Poll Factory Smart Contract
Code location: PollFactory.sol
is a smart contract that is used to deploy new Polls. This is used by MACI inside the deployPoll
function deploy(
MaxValues calldata _maxValues,
TreeDepths calldata _treeDepths,
PubKey calldata _coordinatorPubKey,
address _maci
) public virtual returns (address pollAddr) {
/// @notice Validate _maxValues
/// maxVoteOptions must be less than 2 ** 50 due to circuit limitations;
/// it will be packed as a 50-bit value along with other values as one
/// of the inputs (aka packedVal)
if (_maxValues.maxVoteOptions >= (2 ** 50)) {
revert InvalidMaxValues();
/// @notice deploy a new AccQueue contract to store messages
AccQueue messageAq = new AccQueueQuinaryMaci(_treeDepths.messageTreeSubDepth);
/// @notice the smart contracts that a Poll would interact with
ExtContracts memory extContracts = ExtContracts({ maci: IMACI(_maci), messageAq: messageAq });
// deploy the poll
Poll poll = new Poll(_duration, _maxValues, _treeDepths, _coordinatorPubKey, extContracts);
// Make the Poll contract own the messageAq contract, so only it can
// run enqueue/merge
// init Poll
pollAddr = address(poll);
Upon deployment, the following will happen:
- ownership of the
contract is transferred to the deployed poll contract